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Source (Hebrew) | Translation (English) |
אֲגַדֶלְךָ אֳלֹהֵי כָּל נְשָׁמָה. וְאוֹדֶךָ בְּרֹב פַּחַד וְאֵימָה. |
I will speak of your greatness, elo’ah of all souls, and I will praise you, with much fear and awe, |
בְּעֹמְדִי תוֹךְ קְהַלְךָ צוּר לְרוֹמֵם. לְךָ אֶכְרַע וְאֶכוֹף רֹאשׁ וְקוֹמָה. |
While I stand within your congregation, forever exalting, to you I will bend my knees and lower my head and stature. |
רְקִיעֵי רוּם הַלֹא נַטָה בְּמִבְטָא. וְהָאָרֶץ יְסַדָה עַל בְּלִימָה. |
Hashem planted the stars with their speech, and anchored the land to nothingness.[1] cf. Job 26:7, a reference also to the Sefer Yetsirah. |
הַיוּכַל אִישׁ חֲקוֹר אֶת סוֹד יוֹצְרוֹ. וּמִי הוּא זֶה בְּכֹל קֶדְמָה וְיַמָה. |
Can a man investigate the secret of Hashem’s creation? And who is that who is in every direction? |
מְרוֹמַם הוּא עֲלֵי כָּל פֶּה וְלָשׁוֹן. אֲשֶׁר הִפְלִיא וְעֲשָׂה כָּל בְּחֹכְמָה. |
Hashem are praised by every mouth and tongue, which Hashem miraculously made their wisdom. |
וְיִתְגַדָל בְּגוֹי קָדוֹשׁ וְעֶלְיוֹן. וְיִתְקַדָש שְׁמֵיה רַבָּא בְּעַלְמָא. |
And Hashem is exalted by a holy and supernal nation, may Hashem’s great name be made holy in the world! |
A short piyyut by Avraham Ibn Ezra, whose first name is signed in an acrostic. The translation here, from an unknown and anonymous contributor to, follows after the translation that Honi Sanders and I published in the birkon for his wedding, Siman l’Vanim (Dimus Parrhesia Press 2019) with some minor changes. –Aharon Varady

1 | cf. Job 26:7, a reference also to the Sefer Yetsirah. |

“אֲגַדֶלְךָ | Agadelkha, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (ca. 12th c.) translation by Anonymous” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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